Top Super Foods to Incorporate in Your Diet

Posted by Ali Lawrence on Jul 30, 2013 in Health & Fitness |

healthYou’ve undoubtedly heard about “super foods,” the so-called super-powered foods that can do everything from give you more energy to decrease your cholesterol. So is it all just hype or are these foods really capable of doing these things?

While nutritionists caution that these foods won’t make up for a multitude of dietary sins, they really do have lots of benefits for your average person, whether you’re an accountant or you work for BOQ Furnished Apartments. Here are the ones you should incorporate into your diet.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be expensive, but they’re worth the price. They’re rich in antioxidants and provide omega-3 fatty acids that have been proven to reduce cholesterol. You can sprinkle chai seeds on yogurt, add them to pancake batter or make a delicious chocolate “pudding” by soaking them in almond or soy milk and adding cocoa and maple syrup.


Besides being an absolutely delicious accompaniment to tortilla chips, avocados provide healthy fats and help your body to digest other foods. They keep you full for longer than most other fruits (yes, avocados are fruit) because they have a large amount of insoluble fiber, which also helps keep you regular.


You can argue that any leafy green veggie is a super food, but kale is definitely one of the best. It has a high concentration of vitamins A, C and K, and it’s also a good source of calcium. Try a massaged kale salad or, better yet, chop up some kale, spritz it with olive oil, sprinkle salt and pepper on top, and roast it for delectable kale chips.

Goji Berries

File this under the “newer” super foods. Goji berries have gotten quite a bit of attention over the past few years for everything from acting as a fountain of youth to promoting weight loss. Some of those claims may be slight exaggerations, but there’s no doubt that gojis are good for you. They are high in Vitamin A and have loads of antioxidants.

Green Tea

Green tea is a natural energy booster. When you reach for a mid-afternoon mug, you avoid the post-lunch crash that can send your work output spiraling. It’s also high in antioxidants and can help prevent diabetes and strokes.


Nuts may be the best all-around snack on the planet. They’re high in good, healthy fats, which help you stay satiated for longer, and virtually every variety of nut, from almond to pecan to pistachio, has its own unique benefits. They can help lower LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, and reduce your risk of heart disease and developing dangerous blood clots.

For more health articles, check out this Natural Holistic Health blog.

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